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Reference FCO 7/1418
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Assessments of internal political scene (1969)
Description Report on what is happening in the USA covering the Vietnam War and its damaging effect on America's international standing and American society as well as troop withdrawals, Vietnamization and the antiwar movement. Views of Elliot Richardson, McGeorge Bundy, William Bundy, Walter Lippmann, Joe Kraft, Charlie Cooke (Vietnam expert on Richardson's staff) and Bob Bowie. At home Nixon faces problems concerning the American domestic economy, illiteracy, poverty and race and abroad the Soviet Union arms race. Report on the views of Congressman James Symington on pollution. A small biography is included. Report on elections representation, amendment to the Constitution and the Electoral College. Text of President Nixon's address to Governors' Conference where he talks of food programmes, child welfare, taxation, the draft, deficit and inflation. Report on the New York Primaries, demonstrations, the Chicago riots at Democratic convention and militancy groups such as the Black Panthers. President Lleras of Colombia's first official visit by a Latin American head of State. Report on the Pentagon and the FBI, under J Edgar Hoover, bugging of Martin Luther King.
Date 1969
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries United States, Vietnam, Soviet Union, Colombia
Places Algiers; Asia; Chile; Colombia; Ireland; Peru; South Vietnam; Soviet Union; Spain; United Kingdom; United States of America; Venezuela; Vietnam
People Bowie, Robert; Cooke, Charles; Kennedy, Robert F; Kissinger, Henry; Mao Zedong; Powell, Adam Clayton jnr; Richardson, Elliot; Wallace, George
Topics Aid; Arms; Black Panthers; British Embassy; Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); Civil rights; Communist; Congress; Council of Economic Advisers; Council on Environmental Quality; Crime; Defence; Demonstrations; Department of State; Desegregation; Draft; Economic policy; Economy; Education; Elections; Environment; Federal Reserve; foreign policy; Health; Inflation; Law and Order; Narcotics; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); organisation; Pentagon; Poverty; Race; Recession; Special Committee on Latin American Co-ordination (CECLA); Strikes; Supreme Court; Taxation; Taxes; Trade; Treasury; troops; Unemployment; Urban Affairs; Welfare; White House; withdrawal
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